Jan 26, 2010

Live Like Dying

2010 is finally here and I have not posted anything since last few months and I am relieved that I have finally found the urge to write again because last couple months have been really rocky and 2009 had tested my patience and courage in searching what I exactly want to achieve in life.

Well, I was in London during Christmas Sale and yes, I got to fight with thousands of shoppers for the best bargains during Boxing Day and I went to see Sherlock Holmes the movie. But no, on the New Year's Eve I did not go out to celebrate as I did not have the feeling of celebrating the timeout - the end of my unaccomplished resolutions for the year. I wanted to discover as many places in the world or at least go to a few islands and fly in a helicopter or a private plane for sightseeing or try out paragliding or ride in a hot air balloon, but time flies really fast and I ended up doing nothing.

I do not have any idea of what I will do this year but I certainly do promise I will take every second in life to appreciate what my family have done to me and I will spend more time with them and I will hangout with my closest friends that have always been there for me as much as I can and most of all I will not disappoint my late grandparents' wish to see me succeed in everything I do in life. I will not waste a moment to cherish what I have today and I want to discover and learn about life as much as I could as that is the major way to improve myself to become a better person, a good daughter, a sister and a friend (I have always wanted to be the best wife too!). Sounds so much like in the beauty pageant, no?

Whatever it is, I wish 2010 will see myself as an educated and a respectful woman as turning older is not something I will be afraid of. I am totally seeing myself as the same old chick but with a little upgrade and if that would make me a b***h, I am definitely taking the bet!

"Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody. "

-Jane Austen-

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